Congregational News

"Buy a Coffee" for a Participant from Centre 507
During Lent we will be collecting cans of medium ground caffeinated coffee to give to Centre 507. Tins of coffee can be left at the greeters' stations and they will be brought to the office following the service. The coffee will then be taken upstairs to Centre 507. By giving to Centre 507, you give to the participants. To some, a coffee is like "a hug in a mug".

Easter Breakfast 9 am April 9th, 2023
Those attending our Easter breakfast on April 9th are asked to bring a donation of a carton of eggs, and/or give a financial donation. The proceeds will be given to the Centretown Emergency Food Centre.

Christmas Hamper Project 2021 Successfully Completed!
This year we gave out 178 hampers, which represented over 500 individuals. Each recipient was referred to us through a Drop In or Emergency Food Centre. Each hamper contains gift cards that should provide groceries for a week, a warm greeting card, and personalized gift. The success of this project depends on many volunteers to adopt, pack, and deliver these hampers. Equally necessary are the financial donations which allow us to purchase gift cards. To undertake a project of this size we depend on people to organize the volunteers. A huge thank you to the organizing team. Thank you to all those who partnered in the Christmas Hamper Project. Your participation made someone's Christmas a little brighter.
A donation to the Christmas Hamper fund can still be made at: . If donations are so generous that we receive additional funds, they will be shared with the Centretown Emergency Food Centre and Centre 507 to assist recipients, who struggle to make ends meet throughout the entire year.
Thank you for your interest and support of the Christmas Hamper Project!!
CCSAC Fall 2021 Newsletter
Centretown Churches Social Action Committee Fall 2021 Newsletter - Click Here

Summer 2020 - Flower Garden on Bank Street
Because of the many restrictions caused by the Coronavirus, the gardeners were not able to plant vegetables this year. Instead the garden boxes are filled with flowers. They look beautiful. Thank you for making our church look so attractive for people passing by.
We’d like to thank the following volunteers who have created and maintained these flowers through our Covid season:

Housing Emergency Rally - 9 am Wed Jan 29th at City Hall
Housing Emergency Rally hosted by Councillor Catherine McKenny. Show your support for Councillor McKenney's motion to declare a housing emergency in Ottawa. The rally will be held on Wednesday January 29th, 9-9:30 am at Marion Dewar Plaza, Ottawa City Hall. If you can't attend the rally you can sign the petition at

Santa Claus Parade - Nov 16, 2019
Thanks to all the members who offered hot dogs and hot chocolate to the folks watching the Ottawa Santa Claus Parade!
Church Picnic
Sunday June 16th, 2019
11-3 pm
Come and join us as we worship and picnic outdoors. There will be no service at 507 Bank Street this day.

Mother's Day Tea
Centretown United Church
Saturday May 11th, 2019
2-4 pm
Come and join us as we celebrate Mother's Day. Put on your finery, wear a fancy hat and you will get a special treat. Tickets are $10 available from UCW members, the church office or at the door.
In conjunction with the tea, we are having a Yarn and Fabric Sale - Great prices on yarn, knitting and crocheting supplies, fabric, sewing and craft supplies.
For more information, please telephone (613) 232-9854.

Lenten Study
Sundays During Lent: beginning March 10th
You are invited to join in a Lenten Discussion Group after church each Sunday during Lent. At each gathering we will consider the question: "Where have you experienced God in your life, in worship, or in the radings this week?", using the United Church 2019 resource, "Everyday Skeptics: Devotions for Spiritual Growth" as a guide. Our guides are prophets - both ancient and contemporary. All are welcome!

Advent Knitting Results
January 10, 2019
The Centretown Knitters were able to donate 75 hats, 10 pairs of socks, 97 pair of mittens, and 54 scarves to Centre 507, the Centretown Emergency Food Centre, and the General Vanier Public School. If you like to knit over the winter, the Centretown Knitters are now collecting Prayer Shawls (large size) or lap blankets. Patterns and yarn are available, if interested. . 613-232-9854 / WWW.CENTRETOWNUNITED.ORG

"Songs & Sweets"
Saturday Nov 10th at 7 pm at Centretown United Church.
Our choir and bell choir will be offering a night of music and sweets. Come to be entertained while enjoying delectable desserts. Tickets are $10, available from any choir member or through the church office. Proceeds towards the Congregational Challenge.

For the month of October we will be collecting socks for Centre 507. All month long, baskets will be at both Greeters Stations to collect your donation. Any socks will do, adult men or women. It's getting cold out there, together we can warm up a few feet and by doing so, warm up a few hearts.

Centretown United 2018 Stewardship Campaign is Underway
This fall we will be highlighting the work of our church in our community and the world. Congregation members play an important part in this mission by donating time, talents, and financial gifts to the work of the church. Our stewardship mail-out is being distributed to congregation members. To make a donation to the church click here for more information. Thank you!

Centretown Book Group
The book group’s next read will be All The Light We Cannot See, by Antohony Doerr. The meeting is this Friday, Oct. 19, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. All are very welcome. For more info and to confirm attendance please contact Linda Pollock.

Mother'sDay Tea with a Cookie Twist
It is hoped that you will attend and bring a friend to celebrate Mothers Day. Tickets for tea are $10. In conjunction with the tea, the ladies are challenging the men to take part in a MENS ONLY cookie baking contest. There will be three categories: Best Tasting, Best Decorated, and Largest. Men can enter as many times and categories as they like, but for each entry they must submit 3 dozen cookies (which will be sold) plus 2 cookies to be judged. Our guest judges will be Mayor Jim Watson and Chef Bruce Wood, the chef who works in our church kitchen with the FoodWorks programs, through Operation Come Home. All proceeds from the tea and from the cookie sale will go toward the Congregational Challenge.

Centretown Book Group
The book group’s next read will be The Pearl That Broke its Shell, by NADIA HASHMINI. A description follows: In Kabul, 2007, with a drug-addicted father and no brothers, Rahima and her sisters can only sporadically attend school, and can rarely leave the house. Their only hope lies in the ancient custom of bacha posh, which allows young Rahima to dress and be treated as a boy until she is of marriageable age. Cutting her hair and donning pants lets her barter at the market, attend school and play soccer with the boys. Everyone accepts her new position as a son. Unfortunately, Rahima’s opium-addicted father is indebted to a warlord, who has taken an interest in the 13-year-old. After having tasted freedom as a bacha posh, how can she return to the oppression inflicted upon women. This a lyrical, heartbreaking account of silenced lives. It provides an intimate look at the conditions in which women in some cultures must survive, and raises thought-provoking questions about what can and cannot be done to help them, and, indeed, what should be done, given that cultural, religious, and even the social attitudes of women themselves may reinforce the ways in which girls and women are used and abused. The discussion of this book will be Friday April 13th, 2018 at 7:30 pm. Everyone with an interest is invited to read the book and join the discussion. The book is available at the Ottawa Public Library in paper, e-book and audio formats.

Stride - Assistance for the Disabled
Stride is a registered, non-profit, charitable organization which operates solely by a dedicated team of Volunteers. Dave Boal is the President, and Barb Potter-Angus and the Ambridge/Dewan family are volunteers. This organization was formed in 1983 out of Bell Street United Church. It was Co-Founded by Rev. Percival and Mary McDowell. The UCW is pleased that Mary McDowell will be speaking at their next meeting Monday March 5th at 7:30. Mary will be telling us all about Stride and it's accomplishments. If you are interested in learning about Stride please plan to attend the meeting.

Operation Underwear
Centre 507 is receiving many requests for male and female underwear. Baskets for donations of new underwear will be at both Greeters Stations for the season of Lent.

Congregational Annual Meeting
The Congregational Annual meeting will be held following our morning worship on Sunday Marchth. Annual reports will be available after Sunday Feb 11th to read prior to the meeting.

Centre 507 Potluck Supper
To all those who worked at or donated to the Dinner for our friends at Centre 507 on Feb 27th the meal was a great success! We served a variety of casseroles, lasagna, quiche, rice, potatoes, chicken legs, beans, meat balls, shepherds pie, salad, rolls, vegetarian pasta and chilli and to end the feast we served a variety of cakes (all made by Ellen) with ice cream. Approximately 70 guests pass on their thanks for a delicious meal and can't wait until we have another one. Thanks to everyone involved.

Pancake Supper!
Tuesday February 13th at 5:30 pm. at Centretown United Church. Pancakes, sausage, strawberries, blueberries, bananas, syrup and whipped cream. You won't want to miss this! Tickets are $10 and you can buy them through the church office (613-232-9854).

Thank you!
Thank you to all those who donated their time and talents knitting touques, scarves, mitts and socks. To date 67 toques, 34 scarves, 55 pair of mittens and 6 pair of socks have been made and given to either Christmas Hampers or participants of Centre 507 or the Emergency Food Centre. The weather has been brutally cold and the need great. Thank you for making someone a little warmer.

Christmas Hamper Project 2017 Now Underway!
The Christmas Hamper Project is in full-swing again this year. To see how you can help, please click here to go to the Christmas Hamper Project website.

UCW Christmas Dinner and Worship Service
On Friday December 15th at 6 pm, the UCW (United Church Women) will be having their Christmas Dinner and Worship Service.
Tickets will be available mid-November for $5.00. Everyone is welcome.

Walk For The Centre
On Sunday October 15th at 2 pm from City Hall. The Centre is the Centretown Emergency Food Centre housed in our church
CCSAC (Centretown Churches Social Action Committee) is organizing this event and we are looking for people to represent Centretown United on the walk. If you are interested in walking and would like a sign-up form, please speak to Joan Fletcher, our CCSAC rep.
If you are not walking perhaps you could sponsor Joan or someone else from Centretown. For more details, speak to Joan or go to

Centretown United Participates in Pride Parade and Hosts BBQ
On Sunday August 27th, Centretown United Church members participated in the 2017 Pride Parade in Ottawa. It was a great success and a beautiful day!
Again this year, Centretown United Church held its free-will donation barbeque at 507 Bank and Argyle prior to the Pride Parade. We ran out of all fifteen dozen hot dogs, cold drinks, and watermelon in 45 minutes!
Thanks to the generous donations of the parade’s participants and spectators, Centretown UC was able to cover its expenses and give $377.00 to the Centretown Emergency Food Centre which is housed in our church basement. (The CEFC is a project of the Centretown Churches Social Action Committee.) Centretown UC thanks everyone. It plans to have more hot dogs and drinks next year!

Live CD Release Concert
Monday, June 26th, 2017 7:00 pm: "Dream Glider" a CD by Peter Crouch, Centretown United Church, 507 Bank St, Ottawa. A live concert of the music from Peter's debut album, "Dream Glider", showcasing his original compositions for trumpet and piano. Performing alongside Peter, fellow trumpeter Emily Bellman and featuring Nick Rodgerson on piano. Tickets: $10.00 at the door, CD's for $15.00 are available at the concert.

Certificate of Thanksgiving
Recognition of Donation to Mission and Service Fund, A certificate of Thanksgiving was sent to Centretown United in recognition of our donation of $24,017 to the Mission & Service of The United Church of Canada in 2016.
Thank you to everyone who contributed. Thank you to the UCW for their $2,400 contribution.