How to Donate to Centretown United Church
Centretown United Church in downtown Ottawa is active in our community and the world. Donate to the area you would like to support by e-Transfer, on-line, or by cheque (see adjacent box):
- Life and Work of Centretown United: Support the staffing, maintenance and congregation of Centretown United Church allowing them to continue to be a community presence in Centretown Ottawa. Help us to continue providing guidance, social action, town halls, and housing Centre 507 drop-in Centre.
- Mission & Service Fund of the United Church of Canada: Support the national church in bringing healing, justice and hope to people across Canada and around the world.
- Special Projects Fund: Support special projects at Centretown United ranging from initiating new outreach programs to upgrading the facilities of the church.
- Community Garden: Support this partnership between Centretown United and Centre 507 which produces fresh vegetables to augment the nutrition of the meal program in Centre 507. Garden volunteers from the congregation, Centre 507 participants, and neighbourhood volunteers, including school children from nearby schools grow vegetables in planters on Bank Street right beside the church.
- Christmas Hampers project: Every fall with great support from other churches and the community-at-large combine to put together hampers for the disadvantaged in Ottawa. Financial support is always welcome to purchase food and gifts.
- Centre 507: Support the adult drop-in centre located on the second floor of the church that is open to all who seek a safe, friendly and supportive environment. Donate Directly to Centre 507 - click here.
- Centretown Community Food Centre: Support the Centretown Community Food Centre located at 370 Catherine Street that provides groceries to folks in Centretown who are struggling to make ends meet. Donate directly to Centretown Community Food Centre - click here.
- Dalhousie Food Cupboard: Support the Dalhousie Food Cupboard that provides groceries to folks in Centretown West who are struggling to make ends meet. Donate directly to Dalhousie Food Cupboard - click here.
eTransfer Donations:
eTransfer Donations:
Donations can be made by sending an e-transfer to with the answer to the security question set to "church".
Make sure you note in the message what the donation is for and provide your name and address information for a tax receipt.
Online Donations:
Online Donations:
You can donate online, using your credit card, through the secure donation Web site from CanadaHelps. CanadaHelps is a registered, non-profit organization that forwards online donations to the charity of your choice. They support almost all of Canada’s charities, including Centretown United Church. You can make the donation in memory or in honour of someone. Click on the button below to donate now:
This is great for those comfortable with Internet charitable donations
- You can choose a one-time donation or setup an account for annual or monthly gifts.
- Select specific areas that you wish to support from the drop down menu.
- A separate Charitable Tax Receipt is issued electronically by CanadaHelps for each donation.
- There is a small fee to the church for the service, but it provides another opportunity for people anywhere in the world to support Centretown United Church
Donations by Cheque:
Donations by Cheque:
You can donate by cheque if you would like to donate to any of the funds above:
By mail: Mail your cheque made out to 'Centretown United Church' with the fund you wish to donate to noted in the memo line on the cheque to:
Centretown United Church, 507 Bank St., Ottawa, ON, K2P 1Z5
At the Sunday Service: The cheque can be placed in the Sunday collection plate (envelopes are provided in the pews) during Sunday services which begin at 10:30 am.
Please include your name and mailing address with your cheque so charitable receipts for all donations received by cheque can be mailed out in January of the following year.
Thank You!