Special Events at Centretown United Church

Christmas Hamper Project 2024
The community of Centretown Ottawa is experiencing unprecedented levels of homelessness, families who are unable to put a basic meal on the table, and most disturbing, an erosion of hope. We, as a community can make a difference. By coming together we can deliver smiles, joy and show people they are loved.
Please consider giving in any way you are able, every gift matters and all contributions are channeled directly to those in need. Your contribution, at this time of year, can literally make a world of difference. Year after year, we hear incredible stories of generosity and gratitude. We hope we can count on you to help those in need this Christmas.
The success of this project depends on many volunteers to adopt, pack, and deliver these hampers. Equally necessary are the financial donations which allow us to purchase gift cards. If you would like to help out, visit www.centretownunited.org/index.php/xmashamperproject for more detials.

Musica Viva Christmas Concert
Cakes & Ale, Monday, December 9th, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.
Centretown United Church, 507 Bank Street, Ottawa
For our winter concert this year, we are serving up holiday feast for the ears entitled 'Cakes and Ale'. On the menu are seasonal selections featuring festive food and drink -- wassail and wine; chestnuts and cherries; bannock bread, boar's head, tourtière and more. The music is mostly from the English, Scottish, Irish, and French Canadian folksong traditions, along with a few contemporary choral works.
Order tickets for this concert: General Admission: $25, Students: $15, Families $70.